Christmas Eve Estravaganza in a word..."Paella"

AHHHH finally my very favorite recipe and family tradition in the whole wide world! "Paella" pronounced Pi aa ah. It is a Spanish Seafood dish , origniating on the costal region of Spain! Over the years I have had many many many traslations of this dish but only one, just ONE is the perfect recipe. My Parent were born and raised in NYC, although I was born in NYC is was mostly raised in Long Island, we were very often in the city visiting family or aborbing NYC's culture like no other city can provide! My parents would often go to their favoirte little whole in the wall Spainaird restaurant that was located in a hotel in the city, they always ordered the Paella. After years of visiting this restaurant my mother finally got up the nerve to ask the cook for the recipe , as they would be moving from New York permanently and would not be able to enjoy the restaurant in the future......he obliged and every year since she was given the recipe she made this wonderful , mouthwatering, Seafood exstravaganza! Growing up it became my favorite birthday dish, and as I started raising my own family the tradition continued. Approx 10 years ago I decided to make it our family's official Christmas Eve dinner and invite friends and family to attend to enjoy this wonderful meal........our way of wishing everyone a Merry Christmas . It is not necessarily labor intensive but it sure does hit the wallet hard if you do it up in spades..........again it has become our gift to family and friends every year and we spare NO expense, we have had up to 50 people over to share this dish with us , for the most part we serve about 26 yearly on average! What's the cost your asking ????? approx $250.00 if you do it up right! Small price to pay to show how much you appreciate your family and friends!

Let me end the suspense: I will post the recipe to servie 6-8 people, double or tripple the recipe as needed LOL)


1 electric skillet approx 3-4 inches deep (shallow skillet will overflow too easily)

2lbs devained cooked shrimp (tails on)
2lbs mussels (uncooked)
20 hard shelled clams (uncooked)
2-3lbs of crab legs (uncooked)
lobster tails (optional) per person (uncooked)
1 med size lobster steamed

3 cups long grain white rice
1/2 tsp Saffron (not powdered!!!!) it will look like pieces of dark yello and red thread. Hint if you look in the spanish ethnic section of your food store you will find it cheaper then where the other seasonings are in the store.
3 large onions
1 jar chopped pimentoes (drain)
4 cloves of fresh garlic (minced)
8-10 pieces of bone in chicken (thighs and legs work the best)
1 bottle of clam juice( find this where the tuna/sardines are in the store)
olive oil (4 tbls spoons)
sliced pepparoni (1 small bag)
1 bag of baby lima beans
2 large tomatoes par boiled (skinned and then chopped)

1. simmer 1 whole onion and 5 cups of chicken broth and 1/2 tsp of saffron (1 pkg.) keep on stove top on simmer.
2. Mince garlic, 2 onions,2 tomatoes and pimentoes (mix togeather set aside in refrigorator)
3. In zip lock (gallon size bag) 2 cups flour/garlic salt (1 tbls) salt/pepper dredge chicken then fry in 3 oz of olive oil until lightly brown and cooked through. set aside
4. in 2-3 talbls olive oil saute pepparoni and shrimp until lightly brown and set aside in bowl
5. add to olive oil and saute minced onion/garlic/tomato/pimento until traslucent
6. Add 3 cups of uncooked white rice and coat with saute mixture.
7. Add boiling broth mixture (remove onion first) cook 5 minutes
8. Add lima beans and cook 5 minutes
9. add cooked shrimp and pepparoni and chicken to rice/ add bottle of clam juice, cover and cook at low heat for 20 minutes or unti liquid is ablsorbed.
10. Add clams, crab leggs/mussels/lobster cover enitire dish and until clams/mussels open and seafood is warmed through.
11. Unplug the skillet and serve the dish in the skillet in center of table, it is a beautiful site to behold! take a pic! and enjoy all the wowwws and AHHHH's!
12. Serve with Wine and soda recipe to follow and enjoy!!!

Simple and delicious "Wine and Soda"

1 liter of cream soda
1 gallon red wine (lambrusco is good)
mix togeather in large serving pitcher.......put in refrigorator for at least 3 hours before serving

Na Na's Eclair & Cream Puffs

1/2 cup of butter
1 cup boiling water
1/2 tsp of salt
1 cup of sifted flour
4 eggs

1. Start heating oven to 400 degrees. In medum sauce pan heat butter with boiling water over high heat, stiring occaitonally until butter is melted then turn heat to low, add salt and flour both at the same time and stir with wisk evigorously until mixutre leaves the sides of the pan in smooth compact ball.
2. Immediatley remove from heat then quickly add eggs ONE at a time, beating with spoon until smooth after each egg is added. after all eggs have been added, beat until mixture has satin like sheen.
3. Frop mixture by talbespoonfulls 3inches apart on parchment paper lines cookie sheet, shapping each into a mound that points up in the center.
4. Bake for 50 munites on middle rack without peeking!! DO NOT open oven! Cream puffs should be high and golden , remove with a flat saptuala toa wire rack to cool.

Slice off top of each cream puff when completely cool. fill with filling below , put cap back on top and sprinkle with confectionary sugar and serve.

Luscious Cream filling recipe:

1 pkg of instant vanilla pudding (large pack), reduce milk to only 11/2 cups on recipe on box. cover and let set in refrigorator.
Make homemade whip cream with 2 cups of heavy cream and 1/3 cup of sugar, beat with mixture until soft peaks form.
fold whipped cream into vanilla pudding mixture then drop by spoonfulls into each cream puff (fill generously).

This recipe is very simple (the cooking time is what takes the most time). Great last minute dessert to serve or bring to a dinner party that will be a huge hit and people will think you are a pastry chef!!!

So, that is enough recipe blogging for tonight, I have so much more to write for the holidays, but those will be forthcomming in the days ahead!!! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


  1. Ginny, your Paella is the most delicious recipe that I have ever had!!! Totally Yummo-licious :-) BTW, Love the blog!!!




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